Due to an unforeseen infrastructure failure, all our long-term storage samples from old experiments (NOT current experiments) that were kept in our -80 freezer have been severely compromised and are unrecoverable. As such, we will unfortunately dispose of them immediately.
We want to remind all users of the core facility (CF) that samples submitted to the CF are the property of the client/working group (CF user), and hence are their sole responsibility. And it is their sole responsibility to collect the samples, if they need them for further experiments after they have been used by the CF. Please also note that protein degradation continues when frozen, albeit at an arrested rate, and that it is generally considered that samples stored longer than 6 months in -80 are experimentally incomparable to fresh sample.
Therefore, we are now taking the situation as an appropriate moment to implement a new protocol: all samples submitted to the CF that are OLDER than 6 months will be disposed of, if they are not retrieved from the submitting party before this time (CF user). If the samples are not required by the CF user after CF processing, then these samples will be destroyed after 6 months. It is the responsibility of the CF user to communicate to the CF that the samples are needed after CF processing, and it is the responsibility of the CF user to subsequently collect these samples. The CF will NOT contact the CF user, and the CF bears NO responsibility for the samples after the allotted 6 months (as measured from date of sample submission).
Thank you for your attention.